Sunday, October 17, 2010

A little update

So... it's been a little while. Studying about phosphofructokinase, chylomicrons, or insulin resistance has pretty much been my life as of late, along with the occasional workout or break time spent with my personal M.D., who himself has been found delivering babies, draining abscesses, and trying to squeeze in some occasional sleep while working night shift for 3 weeks. (Sorry, didn't mean to use the words 'abscess' and 'squeeze' in the same sentence... actually while we're at it, he drained an abscess on the 'left inner buttocks' of a rather large man yesterday. Good man, that Kody Smith. Good man.)

But the last two weekends we decided we needed a break... we headed up to Utah for a BYU football game (and the Cougs actually came through for us) and spent time with Kody's brother and his family for the blessing of their newest daughter, Evelyn. This weekend my mom came into town for a girls' weekend at Time Out for Women with my sister and her two daughters. Such a great time. Uplifting, fun, rejuvenating. Just the ticket.

I'll post some pictures soon. But in the meantime, be sure to eat your veggies and get some exercise. Maybe these kids can convince you...

p.s. - Is anyone else counting down for the holiday season to begin?? Christmas music, playing secret santa, delivering goodie plates, lights and decorations, getting together with loved ones and relishing in the Spirit of the season... I've been waiting all year long!


  1. He kicked him in the hakuna matata? Oh my.

  2. Those commercials are hysterical! I had no idea that they were speaking Spanish in the Lion King. Who knew?
