Thursday, April 7, 2011

Life or Something Like It

I believe it's finally time for a new post. Four months later. So, I'm a blog slacker, I've come to accept that. But it's always a pain to try and recapture the last few months and what we've been up to. So I'm just going to visually illustrate what life is like these days for the Smith clan. I could say that life is good but busy, but then again, who doesn't have a busy life these days?


Kody has now delivered around 45 babies. One from a woman who weighed around 400 pounds. Try that on for size... must have been a BIG baby.

He also had a patient who complained of horribly smelly farts... who then farted near him so that he could take a whiff. All in a day's work.

He's been a champ working nights, 30-hour shifts, and on-call weekends. Sleep is a valuable thing 'round these parts.

And somehow he still manages to serve the young men in our ward, help with laundry, and take his wife out for date-night. Or in for date-night. These days, staying home, relaxing and watching our fav. shows together never looked so good.

(NBC comedy fans: If you haven't seen Perfect Couples yet, you are missing out.)


My life in a nutshell:

My friend took this picture in our sim-clinic. Learning how to be a real dentist... good thing I have 3 more years to try and figure it out.

Most days you can find me looking like this, sans the facepaint

I don't know about you, but I look just like this when I run.

And like this when I bake. My latest creation: A chocolate mousse peanut butter cream pie for my girl Nadia's birthday...

...which is part of the reason I'm into this:

And I love being in the primary right now and singing with our little primary troup- we only have about 8 children who regularly come. I just started teaching them 'The Army of Helaman,' and I started tearing up as they sang out the words. Those kids were staring at me like, 'why are you crying, we're trying really hard to sing?!'

And Meesha, well I guess she's part of this crazy healthcare family as well, whether she likes it or not. And these days probably not as much... we're gone most of the time and she's stuck inside, so she'll be pretty happy once we finally buy a house with a cat door. And I'll be pretty excited to finally have a garage and maybe even some closet space. We'll keep you posted as our house hunting continues...

Much love from your favorite Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

p.s. - This deserves much more than a post script, but alas... I have some exciting news - My oldest brother Travis and his fam are moving to Phoenix this May, and my parents have decided to join the AZ clan as well and move out here permanently this Fall! Sooo thrilled to have so much family living close to us. Kody's brother recently took a job out here as well, and we couldn't be happier. Looks like AZ is a mighty fine place for us to be.


  1. Wahoo for blog updates!!! You guys are super busy! We miss you in Hyde park :)

  2. LOVED reading your latest entry! You're so clever to find so many funny pics to go along with your description of events. And the comics fit perfectly with Kody's description of events too! I love you and miss you...and I wish we lived close too. I guess we'll have to be the cool spot you want to visit in the summertime!

  3. Wow! That was the most creative and hilarious blog post I've read! Of course Rexy's blog would be amazing like everything else you do in life! ha... seriously though, loved catching up! Okay, the fart guy... no way... and LOVE those cheeks on that baby! Kinda reminds me of little kaylee's when she was born. MIss you! Wish we could've spent more time when u were down but it was so fun to see you!

  4. i love this YEAH! I needed a good laugh! hope you are well!
