(did that title remind anyone else of those old Mormon-ads... "Family, It's about....Time." Maybe I have too many prego hormones running through my veins, but I immediately thought of the clip where a little boy puts together all his change so he can 'pay' his dad to stay home from work and play with him... and I totally started tearing up. Sheesh, becoming a mom is going to turn me into an emotional wreck!)
I've been putting off updating the blog for so long because it seems I have so much to update. So rather, I'm just going to make a fresh start and move forward. I'll re-cap the last 6 months or so by simply saying that we bought our first home and are in the process of getting it all ready for our first little one. We couldn't be happier to finally be settling down in one area, have a home to grow into (not to mention a garage and a laundry room...I've waited 7 years for those!) and most especially to be welcoming this little spirit into our hearts forever.
Kody's still busy trucking through his second yr of residency, and was recently nominated for the chief resident position by several of his attending doctors (I know he'll hate that I told anyone that...but this lil wife (or rather this growing bigger by the moment wife) is darn proud of him. He's probably going to pass on the position to focus on other opportunities; needless to say, being a doctor is hard work, but this guy was born to do it. Everyone keeps asking if he's going to deliver our little man, since he's done near 100 deliveries thus far. He definitely could, but I think for this first one I'd rather have him in 'husband/dad' mode, rather than 'doctor' mode. Maybe it's just because I want him there by my side, just in case I'm freaking out and need him to calm me down, or rather, need to bite his hand off during labor, rather than focusing on the delivery and all that medical mumbo-jumbo. Maybe once I've gone through the process, it would be cool to have him deliver our next lil babes. But we'll just take 'em one at a time for now.
I'm almost 30 weeks pregnant and can't believe we have less than 3 months to go! I'm sure the last month I'll swell up like a balloon and find myself waddling around my dental clinic as patients stare at my too-tight scrubs and big 'ol bumb, but so far I feel super fortunate that I've had such an easy pregnancy. I never had any morning sickness (thanks heavens!) and besides being a little more tired than normal in the first trimester, I have felt really good this last 7 months. Which makes me wonder if this is the calm before the storm, and if this little guy is going to be one tough cookie, but at this point I feel great and I'll take what I can get! Either way, it is such a humbling experience to be part of this little miracle, and it's amazing to contemplate on the human body and watch as this little guy grows into his perfect little self.
One little story to share - the only time I have thrown up during my pregnancy was completely self-induced (accidentally) and had nothing to do with morning sickness, and everything to do with downing almost an entire jar of peppercinis. Yep, I know, realllll smart Larisa. Lately my appetite has been pretty normal and all I've really been craving is lots of citrus fruit, but in the first trimester I was definitely craving red meat and spicy food. I basically had the appetite of an overweight 50-yr old redneck man who wants steak and potatoes every night. I even ate Dinty Moore Beef Stew one evening after a long day in sim-clinic and thought to myself, 'this is possibly one of the best things I have ever eaten.' Real classy. Anyway, one afternoon I was snacking on carrots and hummus (my staple as of late) and saw someone eating a sandwich stuffed with peppercinis. My mouth was watering all during my dental sim-clinic, and I couldn't get that spicy little bite of peppercinis out of my head. So I stopped at the store on my way home and bought a jar of peppercinis. Now, our old apartment was 25 minutes from my school, and somehow in that 25 minutes on my way home, I proceeded to eat about 3/4 of the jar, and perhaps drink the peppercini juice along with it (yes, I'll admit, I somehow weirdly like a little sip of peppercini juice every now and again...and pickle juice occassionally....who does that? Sorry, if that's a little past your weird meter, just forget I said that... and don't stop being my friend, k?). After I had been home for about 20 minutes, that peppercini juice basically started to warp the inside of my stomach, because I was not a happy camper for the next hour or two... until I finally expelled all those little peppercinis. Moral of the story? Don't think I need to say it, because who in their right mind eats almost an entire jar of peppercinis? Not sure I've had any peppercinis since then..
I've been hounded to post some prego pictures, so here's a bunch; sorry for the photo dump, but when I only blog every few months, well, this is what you get. And I threw in a few pics of our new home as well. We are so glad to finally have space for an 'official' guest room... so please come visit!
14 weeks Lil Bump:
22 weeks:
And here we are last week, at 28 weeks (7 months):
Here are our new digs... where we plan to be for a LONG time…

Our little man is set to arrive the first week of May or so... until then, much love from the Smiths.
Congratulations! Couldn't be more happy for you guys :)
ReplyDeleteJaree congrats !!! The house is gorgeous .. But oh you are gorgeous what a lucky baby to be coming to you!!! So happy it's been a good pregnancy this far!! Soooo exciting .. Can't wait to see you at your shower .. I don't remember the last time I have seen you ;( how sad is that !!! Love ya
ReplyDeleteOh ho!!!!! Look at you all preggy. We are very excited for this little critter to make his debut.
ReplyDeleteYour new home almost made blood shoot out of my eyes from pure jealousy. But...since its the Smiths I couldn't be happier. Good luck with the home stretch Miss Prego. Oh, and if you think your barf story is gross, just be glad your weren't eating Ham Hock Stew (wink).
ReplyDeleteHow we miss our dear Hammonds and their witty banter. That Ham Hock story will forever live on in the Smith household, I can't even think about young Kenny standing/whimpering at his parent's bedroom door without laughing...
DeleteYou look great, Larisa! Good luck on the last stretch! You'll be great parents! Thanks for sharing the pics.
ReplyDeleteCant wait to meet him! :) You are a cute pregnant woman...